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I would like to correct what I have never liked

“It’s a shame to bother with something that can be easily fixed.”

Suffering from smallimperfections?

Maybe you’ve been walking around with something you don’t like all your life. It could be a birthmark, scars caused by acne or an accident, unsightly pigmentation, rosacea, unwanted hair growth, you name it. You may also be bothered by a lump on your nose, a double chin or a so-called “gummy smile” where there is (too) much gum showing when you smile. Others may not really notice it, but what matters is how you feel about it. Small imperfections are part of life and can even be charming. Therefore, it is a waste to want to completely change your appearance because, after all, everyone has something and your face is unique. Still, it is a waste of your time to get annoyed by something that can be easily fixed. Some problems can actually bother you physically, such as headaches, teeth grinding and excessive sweating. These, too, can be addressed with cosmetic corrections.

What can you do about it?

From Couperose to Besenreiser (blue veins on the legs), from thin lips to a lump on your nose, from pigment spots to rosacea (where it seems like you’re always blushing): something can be done about it in a safe and (virtually) painless way. What type of treatment we apply and how often it should be done obviously depends on the “problem. Sometimes several treatments are needed and you have to come back several times, sometimes you are out after only 15 minutes. Whatever you want to have corrected, you are at the right place at the Van Rosmalen Kliniek in Rotterdam, Nijmegen and The Hague. Make your appointment here!

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