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A beautiful look without deep wrinkles.

Deep nose-lip fold

Deep nasolabial folds can occur due to the natural ageing process, making lines between the nose and corners of the mouth more visible.


Our specialised doctors can help you soften these folds, making your face look fresher and younger again.

"This treatment will make you look less strict."
"I am more than 100% satisfied with the result."

Filler treatment for your nasal lip folds in Rotterdam, Nijmegen and The Hague

Why the Van Rosmalen Kliniek?

At The Van Rosmalen Kliniek, you have come to the right place for treatment with fillers in your nasal lip folds. Do you suffer from deep lines between your nose and corners of your mouth that give you a tired or ageing appearance? Our specialised doctors can help you soften these folds, making your face look fresher and younger again.

Our experienced cosmetic doctors KNMG will perform the treatment. From the initial consultation to the procedure and aftercare, we will guide you carefully and professionally. Are you considering treatment for fillers in your nasal lip folds? Make an appointment for a no-obligation consultation at one of our clinics in Rotterdam, The Hague or Nijmegen and experience for yourself why we are the specialist in this field.

Certified and experienced specialists
The filler specialist in The Netherlands
High customer satisfaction
Natural results

Suffering from a tired or gloomy look?

A (too) deep nasal lip fold can give you a sullen, tired or even gloomy look. No matter how cheerful you are and how much you smile. Does it bother you that your appearance doesn’t match how good you feel? Do you find the deep lines around your mouth, which usually appear after you get a little older, distracting? If so, a filler treatment for the nasolabial fold can make a world of difference. It can even affect your mood! With this filler treatment, the folds between your nose and lips will disappear and you will regain your original contour and fresh look. This treatment is often combined with a botox treatment for drooping corners of the mouth. So you get an even more beautiful result. During a personal consultation we will discuss what will work best for you 


Are you curious about the possibilities? Then schedule your appointment now 

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Deep nose-lip fold The problem

The nasolabial fold is the line that runs from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth, like a kind of “gutter”. Sometimes the line extends toward the jaw as well. This fold is naturally present, but it deepens as we age. This is because the bone of the cheekbone and upper jaw shrinks, causing more subcutaneous fatty tissue to sink down from the cheeks and cheekbones. The weight presses on the nasolabial fold and creates a dark shadow in the face. This can give a severe appearance even when you are cheerful. Because the skin is permanently “folded,” it no longer recovers, creating a deep wrinkle that is clearly visible. The nose-lip fold can be treated well early on with a filler that fills the fold and the skin wrinkle immediately. Treating this type of line early prevents the skin from forming irreversible wrinkles.  


Watch the video about the aging process of the face here:  

Nose-lip fold filling with fillers in Rotterdam, The Hague or Nijmegen The treatment

After we welcomed you in the clinic, a short, preparatory conversation will follow and we will take photos to be able to see the results before and after treatment. Then the treatment begins and a number of punctures are made to fill the nasolabial fold. How much filler we use depends a bit on your age. A minimal amount of filler can give a very natural result in younger people. When you are between 40 and 50, a little more filler is usually needed, and after age 50 a liquid facelift is always needed to get the best results 


After the nasolabial fold treatment After the treatment
After treatment, you may notice some redness, swelling or blue discoloration where the punctures were given. If you wish, you can camouflage this with a little makeup. We recommend that you avoid bright sun and other beauty treatments for the days following nasolabial fold filling. It is important not to massage the treated area on the first day. From the 2nd day onward, however, it is recommended. Always massage from the outside in, i.e. towards the mouth 
Result nasolabial fold filler treatment The results

The deep lines between your nose and mouth fade away, your face regains a natural, cheerful attitude and you get a rested look. You do not have to worry about losing your facial expression, because at the Van Rosmalen Kliniek we always ensure that the result is natural and subtle. Therefore, we look carefully at your unique face shape in advance. You will enjoy this treatment for a long time, but for a beautiful and long-lasting result, we recommend repeating the nasolabial fold treatment at regular intervals. Of course we will inform you in detail about this in the clinic 

Price Prices
Nose lip fold

We work with the following type of fillers:

Juvederm: Ultra smile, Ultra 3, Ultra 4, Voluma, Volbella, Volift, Volux
Belotero: Balance, Soft, Volume, Intense
Skinbooster: Volite, Prophilo, Revive

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does filler treatment to soften the nasolabial fold work?

After we receive you at our clinic, there is a short, preliminary consultation and we take pictures to see the results later. Following this, the treatment begins and a number of punctures are made in the nasolabial fold to fill it up beautifully and subtly 

When do I choose this filler treatment?

The nasolabial fold is the line that runs from the nostrils towards the corners of the mouth. This fold is naturally present, but becomes deeper as we age due to the shrinking of the bone of the cheekbone and upper jaw, causing more subcutaneous fatty tissue to drop down from the cheeks and cheekbones. This puts weight on the nasolabial fold, so to speak, which creates a dark shadow in the face. This can give a stern look even when you are cheerful 

Is filler treatment to soften the nasolabial fold painful?

We use an ultra-thin needle to give a number of punctures in the nasolabial fold, in addition we use an anesthetic during the filler treatment, making the treatment virtually painless 

How long does a nasolabial fold filler treatment take?

The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes.  

How long does it take to see results after nasolabial fold treatment?

You will see change almost immediately. After about 2 weeks, the final result can be seen 

After how long will I be presentable again after a filler treatment of the nasolabial fold?

After a nasolabial fold treatment you may see some redness, swelling or a little blue discoloration in or around the fold, but this will quickly disappear. You can carry on with your daily activities as normal after the treatment. However, it is wise to properly protect the treated area with an SPF.  

Will I keep my mimicry after a filler treatment for my nasolabial fold?

With this filler treatment, the folds between your nose and lips will be subtly reduced and you will regain your original contour and fresh look. Your facial expression will remain the same 

Can I treat other areas of my face at the same time?

This treatment is often combined with a botox treatment for drooping corners of the mouth. So you get an even better result. During a personal consultation we will discuss in detail what will work best for you 

How long does the result remain visible?

A hyaluronic acid-based filler in the nasolabial fold remains in place for approximately 8 to 18 months. This is an average and can vary from individual to individual. The hyaluronic acid-based filler is broken down by the body itself over time.  

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